The Towson University Family Network Scholarship Applications are NOW OPEN!
Each year, the Towson University Family Network awards the Dabrowski, Feder, and Kolb endowed scholarships to TU students whose families are Network members. Have your student visit the TU Academic Works portal for additional information about requirements and to apply for these three scholarships. Applications are due on August 15, 2024.
It's not too late to join the Towson University Family Network! Membership requires a one-time minimum donation of $50 and lasts through the duration of your student’s time as an undergraduate at Towson University.
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Can incoming Freshman apply for these? My son looked at the questions - they are geared towards Tigers who have had at least a year of campus involvement. Please advise.
Freshmen are allowed to apply using examples from their experiences in high school.
Thank you very much!